Welcome to Kids of the Bay

A community of children living in love.

Kids of the Bay is our Pre-K and Elementary Children’s Ministry.

For safety, registration is required for children participating in Kids of the Bay. You may register your child(ren) at the entrance of the ministry space.

Kids of the Bay is at 10:30am.

For more information, contact us:

Our Values

  • We value the children’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual safety.

    • Physical: We create safe, warm, friendly environments for growth and play.

    • Emotional: We value showing compassion to children’s emotions. We believe what they go through is real, and we long to foster a space where the children can safely experience, express, and learn to healthily grow in their emotions. 

    • Social: We promote healthy, loving interactions among children & staff.

    • Spiritual: We teach the truth of Jesus Christ, according to the Word of God. 

  • Ministry of the Word and Spirit.

    • We teach God’s Word. 

    • We are currently using the preschool “Hands on Bible” in our Bible teaching. We love how the “Hands on Bible” uses actual Bible verses from the New Living Translation instead of an author’s own words to retell the bible story. The “Hands on Bible” has engaging activities on the side of the Bible verses so that they can listen to the Bible story in a fun and memorable way. The children are guided by the pastor or teacher to engage with the Bible verses. 

    We expect the Holy Spirit’s work in children. 

    • Because we believe and have seen how children can have a genuine personal relationship with Jesus!

    The Gospel is our message    

    • We don’t primarily teach moral lessons; we primarily teach the good news about Jesus - His life, death, and resurrection, and its implications (respond in love, obedience, trust, etc.). Every Bible narrative we teach, we make a connection to Jesus and how the story is actually about Jesus.

    We teach them to receive God’s love and to respond in love.

    • “Be with Jesus, become like him, do what he did.”


    • We do the above in an age-appropriate, memorable way.

    We value teaching moments, even outside of formal teaching times, to help shape them to be like Christ, whether it is during play time or activity time. 

    We value relationships and loving one another.

    • “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)
      We hope the children may love one another and have a little community amongst themselves. We see each child’s intrinsic value and hope to teach the children to see the same in themselves and in others.

  • We strive to communicate with our parents about their child, especially around safety and ministry. 

    We desire to come alongside parents, to be of assistance to them in helping children live in love, even at home.